Stress and anxiety are the most common words right now in our society. It is not just a problem of a specific age group. It is because, in this digital era, we forget to talk to each other which is the biggest reason for depression. The rising statistics of suicides have shown that people are getting depressed day by day. It is a very crucial and serious hazard that is affecting a lot of Lives.
Nowadays, people are so busy with their Technologies, that they forget that they have people around them which sadly result in less communication. Mentally depressed people are afraid to talk to anyone about what they are going through because they thought that people will not understand them and they will just judge them. So, they thought this will only make things worse for them. And they end up having suicidal thoughts because they just cannot find any other solution. This emerging social problem, let people in great chaos to how to bring the rates down and on how to help these peoples.
Everyone has their unique take on this. Every social website is finding different and new ways to spread awareness about it. Out of them, one of the most successful ones has been the Instagram trend ideas. As we all well know that Instagram is the number one app in the world right now and more than a billion people are using it. So, after this tragic crisis of suicides the Instagram society decides to spread awareness about it and play their responsible role towards it.
Instagram role-playing:
Instagram has always been helpful to its users; they always try to comfort and support them. Being the most famous platform for the public, they try their best to reduce suicides by introducing a trend known as the “Staying alive challenge”. This strategy plays a significant role because it gathers the people under one platform and makes them spread this important message as much as they can.
What is “Staying alive'' challenge on Instagram?
It is a trend set by the Instagram community to spread awareness about suicides and how to stop it. It sends the message that the people who are suffering from mental stress are not alone. They have a lot of people who want to help and make them understand that having mental stress is okay and that is life. Life is all ups and downs.
Sometimes, it can get really hard for you to bear it but in that hard times, you have to remember that life is about hope and it always tests you, it challenges you. All you have to do in that time is to know that this time will pass and good days will come but you have to hold tight and just be courageous at that moment. Just try to share it with someone because it is important to you and your life. This the message that the Instagram app wants to send out in this campaign and it will be going to show positive results.
Why make it a challenge?
Human nature always likes a little challenge. Making this trend a challenge to accept is a great way to get people's attention and make people urge to participate. People are a little competitive, so they will try their best to make it as effective as they can. And doing it for such a big cause is worth it. People will also understand it and they all will try to help the people who need them the most.
How to participate in this challenge?
It is a very simple challenge; everyone can authorize it easily. You have to just post a picture on your Instagram account under the caption of “staying alive challenge accepted”. You can also make it little fun by tagging your friends, family, and any person you want to by saying to accept this challenge and post a picture with this caption. You can have any kind of picture that may be important in your life or anything precious to you. by accepting this challenge, and making it in a huge trend will let the Instagram algorithms make it show in everyone above timelines. You can also spread this campaign by posting a story about it and making people know how important this is.
What role will this campaign play?
This campaign is just a little try to help people out there having a tough time in their lives. Spreading the awareness, that suicide is just not the answer and it cannot be right in any way possible. By making it in a statement will let people know how serious this matter is and we all have to fight against it to reduce it, we all have to stand in unity to help each other and make this world a better place for everyone.
Instagram as an awareness platform:
Instagram is a great way of raising awareness on any topic. It is a simple, quick, and advanced platform for the engagement of people's attention. This platform boosts up the spreading rate of any topic because it is mostly followed up by the youngsters. For raising awareness, it is important to spread knowledge about its pons and cons. By using this app, we can make shares, using hashtags and sharing our thoughts to others within a few seconds even if they are miles away from us.
It connects the whole world in a very easy-peasy way. The most fascinating fact about this platform is that it has no boundaries. You can get in touch with different aspects of the same topic. People present their thoughts about the champion, share them with people they know, and can also share pictures. The thing that this is more than a visual source of spreading awareness makes it more attractive and entertaining for the audience. Everyone believes in its content and quality. Sometimes, it also spread rumours but most of the time it is official.